Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) is an industry term that describes the process of a qualified group of trained industry professionals performing an analysis of the condition of a facility or group of facilities that may vary in terms of age, design, construction methods, and materials.
School Facility Conditions Information, Data & Reports
In 2015, The School District of Philadelphia hired Parsons Environmental & Infrastructure Group Inc. to complete a visual inspection of its educational facilities and large athletic fields. The data collected will be used to inform the District’s five year capital program and budget.
Important Documents
Facility Condition Assessment Summary Reports
The Facility Condition Assessment Summary Report provides a summary of the Facility Condition Index (FCI) value of a school facility and select major building systems. The FCI is a numerical representation of condition organized into five performance tiers.
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Charter Schools
* These schools are Renaissance Charter Schools.
Alternative Education Schools
Camelot Academy | Camelot Academy & Excel North | Big Picture El Centro de Estudiantes | One Bright Ray Elmwood |