Real-time School Conditions Reported on the HSB Mobile App
The easy, safe, and secure way for school educational and support staff to add their meaningful voice and describe the conditions they face every day.
The easy, safe, and secure way for school educational and support staff to add their meaningful voice and describe the conditions they face every day.
The HSB mobile app combines the power and ready accessibility of mobile devices with the direct, granular and site-specific, knowledge and experience of school staff, to provide real-time information about unhealthy and unsafe classroom conditions.
The HSB mobile app give you the ability to:
By providing school educational and support staff with a meaningful voice describing the conditions face every day, and explain what they need in order to protect, nurture and teach our children, will help ensure that critical repair work is conducted in a prompt, effective, verifiable and fully accountable manner.
Occupant engagement, and the meaningful involvement of direct and near-direct stakeholders in all levels of school improvement-related evaluation, planning, prioritization, and solution implementation is increasingly being recognized as a critically necessary to see any sustainable, cost-effective and credible school improvement plan.